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Introducing Reddit Image Galleries

2023-12-21 07:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Today, in an effort to enhance Reddit’s diverse image-based content and communities, we’re excited to introduce Image Galleries: a brand new post type that enables redditors to share up to 20 images or gifs in a single post. For redditors, Image Galleries provides an uncomplicated way to take part in Reddit’s 100,000+ communities and simplifies the process of including multiple images or gifs in a single post. It also equips redditors, media organizations, and partners with a different method to engage more than 430 million active users on the platform.

An Image Gallery post in feed on r/recipes.

“Image Galleries fulfill a longstanding community request ever since we added support for image uploads back in 2016,” said Reddit Senior Product Manager, Tyler Swartz. “We’re excited about products like Image Galleries because they give redditors more ways to engage and share content with their favorite community, while also making communities more vibrant and exciting.”

Image Galleries is a popular feature request from style, DIY, and food communities on Reddit. For example, style communities want a better way to show off multiple fits for clothing, ideas for interior design, and different make-up techniques in a single post with captions and links to the products. DIY and food communities desire step-by-step instructions in a single post with multiple pictures, clarifying captions, and links to recipes and tutorials.

The mobile user interface for posting an Image Gallery in the r/recipes subreddit.

Creating an Image Gallery

To post an Image Gallery, redditors simply visit their favorite community, tap the ‘Create a Post’ button, and then select the ‘Image Post’ option from the tabs. From there, it’s a matter of selecting up to 20 images or gifs. Once selected, redditors can rearrange them, include a post title, add an optional caption (up to 180 characters) or URL for each image or gif, and then tap ‘post.’ Posters can also apply a ‘Spoiler’ or ‘Not Safe For Work’ tag to Image Galleries if needed.

Image Galleries must be turned on by community moderators for redditors to use the feature.

The desktop user interface for posting an Image Gallery.

Media Organizations and Partner Engagement

For media organizations and partners alike, Image Galleries offers the option to include URLs and captions in Image Galleries, creating an opportunity to drive redditors to news articles, products, events, contests, and more.

Serious Eats, Insider, The Independent, and National Geographic are among the first partners to utilize this feature. They plan to use Image Galleries to interact with their fans and gain even more enthusiasts in the process.

What’s to Come

As of today, Reddit Image Galleries are enabled for all communities that opt-in. Android support will be released next week. We plan to add Image Gallery support for mixed media types (videos, images, and gifs all in one post) down the road. So look for your favorite subreddit, post some gifs and pictures, and let us know what you think!

For more information, including how to post an Image Gallery, add URLs, and caption multiple photos, check out our post on r/announcements.






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